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Beyond a Beautiful Birth

Hypnobirthing Teacher - Charlotte
1:1 courses -Hertfordshire  &
Cambridgeshire area.

Welcome to beyond a beautiful birth

It’s beyond a beautiful birth it is a lifetime of memories, it’s a feeling, a moment you're never going to forget, a story you're going to be ask about, a story you're going to tell over and over again. Use hypnobirthing to be equipped with the tools you need to make it the most positive one for you, however you birth.

Whats Hypnobirthing?

A hypnobirthing course is a complete birth preparation course. It gives you powerful tools to use during labour and birth. An in depth understanding on what happens during birth and why, also the options you have available to you. Hypnobirthing allows you to to reprogram your brain allowing you to be free of fear and negative expectations. Allowing you to be relaxed, positive and confident about your upcoming birth and the arrival of your beautiful baby.

About me

I discovered hypnobirthing whist i was pregnant with my second child. It made me feel prepared, positive and relaxed about giving birth. I then went on to to have the most magical birth, such a positive, empowering experience. I felt like i needed to spread the knowledge of hypnobirthing so I trained to be a hypnobirthing teacher. I believe all women deserve to be empowered in birth, labour and pregnancy and have the best possible birth for them.


1 : 1 Course

This is a full course consisting of 4 x 2 hour sessions for you and your birth partner in the comfort of your own home. This includes 10 hours of one to one teaching, hypnobirthing mp3’s to keep, a hypnobirthing workbook, positive affirmation pack and on going support beyond the course if you have any questions. Cambridgeshire/Hertfordshire area covered. This course is £350 secured with a £50 deposit.

Online Course

This is a full course consisting of 4 x 2 hour sessions for you and your birth partner  via zoom.This includes 10 hours of one to one teaching, hypnobirthing mp3’s to keep, a hypnobirthing workbook, positive affirmation pack all posted to you as well as on going support beyond the course if you have any questions. This course is £300 secured with a £50 deposit.

Group Course

Group courses will be offered soon!

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